Terms & Conditions
At Swiftlogic, we believe in transparency and open communication with our clients. Our Terms and Conditions outline the legal terms that govern the activities of our website visitors and the relationship between our clients and us. We understand that every business is unique, and therefore we create custom Terms and Conditions that cater to the specific needs and nature of each client's website. Our team of legal experts ensures that our clients are protected from any potential legal exposure.
What should be covered in the Terms & Conditions?
To ensure that our clients have a comprehensive understanding of our services, we cover the following topics in our Terms & Conditions:
- Who can use our website and what are the requirements to create an account (if relevant) - Key commercial terms offered to our clients - Retention of right to change offering - Warranties & responsibility for services and products - Ownership of intellectual property, copyrights, and logos - Right to suspend or cancel client account - Indemnification - Limitation of liability - Right to change and modify Terms - Preference of law and dispute resolution - Contact info Our team can provide more information on how to create a comprehensive Terms & Conditions page that meets your business's unique needs.